What you need to know about Dr Neal Bernard Reverse Diabetes

Dr Neal Bernard Reverse Diabetes method is one of the most sought after methods of curing diabetes. It is now available both in book form and DVD form. The Reverse Diabetes program promises to change the course of your life if you have this deadly illness or fearing that you have diabetes.

Diabetes is a very serious illness. It causes several complications with your heart – causing heart problems, you can go blind, it may lead to nerve damages, kidney failure or in worse cases it can lead to fatalities – but with Dr Neal Bernard Reverse Diabetes program you will not have to worry.

So how common is diabetes? Diabetes may be more common than you think. In fact WHO or World Health Organization estimates that by the year 2030 there will be around:

  • 60 Million >> 20 – 44 year olds who have diabetes all around the world as oppose to the 30 Million in the year 2000
  • 178 Million >> 45 – 64 year olds who have diabetes all around the world as oppose to the 85 Million in the year 2000
  • 120 Million >> 65 + year olds who have diabetes all over the world as oppose to the 55 Million in the year 2000

Now that is a very alarming number and figure. That is why it is absolutely essential to maintain a proper diet in order for you to avoid being part of the statistics with Dr Neal Bernard Reverse Diabetes. You can even control Diabetes at its early stages through the same method. But how will you know if you have diabetes?

There are several symptoms that you can look out for like:

  • Extra stress
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Fatigue
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Excessive thirst (or also known as polydipsia)
  • Excessive urination (or also known as polyuria)
  • Excessive eating (or also known as polyphagia)
  • Poor and slow healing of wounds
  • Infections
  • Altered mental status
  • Blurry vision

These are just a few. Some people don’t even have symptoms of diabetes. They won’t even know that they have diabetes and find out years later and it is very hard to reduce or reverse. So it is very important to visit your physicians regularly.
How does Dr Neal Bernard Reverse Diabetes work?

This Is a very effective way of controlling diabetes, as a matter of fact it is said that this method is 3 times more effective than the other known methods – this is according to the diabetes care issue released on August 2006.

Dr Neal Bernard Reverse Diabetes program works in a completely different dietary approach to reversing the effects of diabetes and diabetes as a whole. The method is all about going green. This means you will take a new course of a vegetarian diet – a low fat vegetarian diet. This will lead to lowered cholesterol levels which leads to reduced blood pressure levels and eventually will lead to weight loss thus reversing the effects of diabetes. Dr Neal Bernard Reverse Diabetes program is the way to GO!


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