
1. Medical Conference: Beat, Reverse, Cure Type 2 [The Diabetes Engineer] — 5 Comments

  1. This is a great diabetes nutritional program if you’re serious about getting off the diabetic drugs!
    My wife and I are diabetic, but after reading his book “Death to Diabtes”, we lowered our BS and hemoglobin a1c back to the normal range, and we both lost more than 27 pounds. Our doctors were shocked, and can’t believe that we are still off the meds. Everyone should read this man’s book — even if you’re not diabetic.

  2. Sorry, I meant to say:
    He’s a cross between Chris Rock and Dr Oz, because he uses humor and HIS medical knowledge to provide an entertaining lecture about diabetes. Someone should get him on Oprah!

  3. Eat Fruits, Non-starchy vegetables, nuts & seeds – cannabis 4 medicine. if your child can have a cup cake or a twinkie, then your child can have marijuana. Marijuana is healthier than SUGAR!!!! It helps CURE cancer. now you know why it’s ILLEGAL. Truth is an obscure thing, Oppression & lie is the norm. Were all Slaves- our masters, the elite, r at least 50 years ahead of us in knowledge, technology, info., secrets & r using all of it against us!

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  4. 1337 is hacker code for leet, or the hacker elite. You’ve truly hacked the life code. It was a sign, lol.

  5. He’s a cross between Chris Rock and Dr Oz, because he uses humor and my medical knowledge to provide an entertaining lecture about diabetes. Someone should get him on Oprah!

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