Can combo birth control pills actually cause pre-diabetes to display itself?
I went to the doctor to get blood work a week ago. I was about to start my period, so no pill for 2 days before that.
I also have to admit that I’ve gained 30 pounds while on the birth control pill (2 years). I’m relatively young (23) so this man seemed to blow me off completely.
The results finally came in- he said I had a glucose level of 87.
I didn’t trust these results because, well frankly, it is too much of a coincidence that I happen to have the symptoms for something& it runs in my family (for example, my mom is “borderline” diabetic). So I bought a self test thing and been administering my own fasting tests. each morning, after fasting at least 12 hours, I have been getting 115-119mg/dl. I know the range for pre-diabetes is 100-126 after fasting. What is going on here? I know the combo pill can cause the glucose level to go up, but does that mean I have pre-diabetes?
I have many of the symptoms/ complications of type 2 diabetes. Help!
Also, what kind of doctor, besides the general practitioner, should I go see? I would much rather see someone who knows that they are doing! Maybe I’m just upset since instead of seeing a female doctor, I was stuck talking to a male nurse practitioner who didn’t listen to what I did want to say & I honestly did not feel comfortable talking to. Should I make another appointment when I am on the pill, since I obviously get much different results during the times I am on the pill????
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The combo pill “rarely” causes any change in blood glucose, according to I wouldn’t worry about that. What I would worry about is your weight, diet, and overall health. If you want to keep your blood sugar down, it’s a relatively simple matter of healthy diet and exercise. With diabetes running in the family (as it did in mine) you would be well advised to treat yourself as if you were diabetic. This will minimize any chance that you will ever have to deal with it. I was given this same opportunity that I’m giving you 10 years ago and didn’t heed it. Today, I’m diabetic. You are becoming diabetic, so this would be a great time to change your entire lifestyle. Read my diabetes info page for more:
See my recent HbA1C (long term blood sugar) and note that it is in the non-diabetic region