Type 2 Diabetes – a Natural Cure Through Simple Diet Changes
Type 2 Diabetes – a Natural Cure Through Simple Diet Changes
Type 2 Diabetes affects millions of people worldwide and is increasing and this is due to people becoming unhealthier than ever due to modern living – yet millions of people can cure themselves with simple diet changes. Let’s look at type 2 diabetes and in more detail the causes and natural ways to cure it.
What is it?
Type 2 diabetes is caused by the body becoming resistant to the hormone insulin – this causes a rise in glucose levels in the blood. People at risk tend to people who are overweight or generally lead unhealthy lifestyles.
The condition leads to serious health problems that include:
Heat attacks, kidney damage, blood vessel damage and blindness Drugs can cure the problem but if they fail to work then the patient needs to inject the hormone directly to the body.
Cure and prevention
There is increasing evidence that the type 2 diabetes can be reversed and prevented, by following a balanced low glycaemic diet and following a healthy lifestyle.
A diet that has shown to be effective is the Mediterranean diet which is generally seen as one of the healthiest in the world.
Why is it so effective?
It is based on food naturally from the earth (i.e. not processed) and includes an abundance of fresh, fruit, vegetables and whole grains.
It also contains a lot of healthy fats derived from fish and olive oil.
One of the above diet in terms of type 2 diabetes, is that it has a low glycaemic load.
The above means that carbohydrates don’t raise blood sugar levels in the way that processed foods do.
The diet therefore will correct obesity and keeps blood sugar levels in check, by helping to lose weight naturally, making insulin more effectively.
There is an ongoing debate over the effectiveness of the above diet, due to the fact that it contains more fat than many other diets.
Is fat the real enemy?
Fat is not the enemy that many people think it is in terms of combating type 2 diabetes.
Many see fat as a cause of diabetes – however the fats contained in the Mediterranean diet are “healthy fats” that the body needs. We are all for all example aware, of the benefits of the fats in oily fish – a major component of the Med Diet.
An Easy Diet to Follow
It is incredibly hard for many people and also unhealthy to follow a diet without fat and the med diet overcomes this problem by providing a healthy diet with healthy fats that is easy to follow.
Type 2 diabetes is so common due to unhealthy living and diet and it therefore makes sense to look at this area first in terms of making oneself healthy.
A Diet to Prevent and Reverse
The above provides a balanced, healthy diet, that is easy to follow and provides the right balance of all food groups in a healthy manner.
It is no coincidence that, type 2 diabetes numbers have soared in recent years, the people it affects tend to be:
Overweight, consume bad fats and have a high consumption of processed foods.
Think About it
By cutting the above foods out and eating a healthy, natural balanced diet can help not only prevent, but cure type 2 diabetes in many cases.
While there is still much debate about the above (and any diet you undertake should be done in consultation with your doctor) the above argument for a change to a med style diet makes total and logical sense.
More Info on all aspects of health and more on disease prevention and cure visit our website for a huge resource of articles, features and downloads and at http://www.net-planet.org/index.html
Article from articlesbase.com
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