Pregnant women generally have no obvious diabetes symptoms, but they sometimes occur : unusual fatigue, excessive thirst and frequent urination. If you develop these symptoms, you should consult your doctor.In most cases, pregnancy diabetes has no external symptoms and is detected through screening. Only rarely do the classic symptoms of diabetes appear, eg excessive thirst, frequent urination and tiredness.you are more hungry than normalyou are more thirsty than normalyou need to urinate frequently.Gestational diabetes symptoms occur during pregnancy. Sometimes this disease is asymptomatic. The health-care provider will monitor for hyperglycemia during pregnancy.A glucose tolerance test is part of routine prenatal care. Gestational diabetes symptoms include increased thirst, increased urination, and weight gain.If gestational diabetes is not properly treated multiple pregnancy related complications can occur.Extreme fatigueExcessive thirstFrequent urination If you experience these symptoms you should visit your doctor, who can run a blood test to confirm the diagnosis of gestational diabetes. The blood tests are given between 24 to 28 weeks into pregnancy. Doctors recommend that pregnant women be screened for gestational diabetes during the 24th to the 28th weeks of pregnancy, when the disease is most likely to occur. In some cases, Type 1 diabetes or Type 2 diabetes is revealed during pregnancy, which makes it hard to definitely differentiate from gestational diabetes. Women to whom this happens should continue receiving treatment for diabetes throughout and even after their pregnancy, just to be on the safe side.Women with gestational diabetes usually do not have glucose levels that are high enough to pose risks to their own health. In most cases, gestational diabetes causes no symptoms in the mother and poses no immediate threat to her health. Even so, it is an early warning sign that she has a greater risk of developing diabetes later in her life.Usually gestational diabetes causes no symptoms. Occasionally there will be symptoms of high blood sugar, such as increased thirst, increased need to urinate and increased hunger, although these are common later on in pregnancy anyway.Low blood sugar symptoms, on the other hand, include sweating, shaking, headaches, seizures, dizziness, confusion, blurred vision and personality change, as well as blurred vision, nausea and vomiting. If symptoms are not treated quickly, ketoacidosis, an abnormal level of acid in the body, can occur. In general, poorly controlled diabetes can lead to serious health issues such as diabetic cataracts, kidney failure, infertility, impotence, nerve damage, delayed wound healing, recurrent infections and even death.Sometimes, a pregnant woman is at greater risk than others. Usually, all women are screened for gestational diabetes between 24 and 28 weeks’ gestation, using a glucose tolerance test. This testing should be done during the first trimester and then again during the second and third trimesters for women having greater risk factors, even if the first test is negative.
Symptoms of Gestational Diabetes — No Comments
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