How to Deal with Diabetes Mellitus – (Sweet Disease) – Homoeopathic Approach According to recent survey reports about 5% of the total world population is suffering from Diabetes Mellitus. The incidence rate is also reasonably high in India. Currently about 20% of Indian Population is at High risk to develop Diabetes Mellitus in future i.e. they are having abnormal glucose Tolerance test. Studies have revealed that diabetic women suffer more than men. A male who is diabetic has double the chances of a heart failure. In case of women it grows to almost 5 times and it is 8 times more if the patient is a young female. Diabetes is associated with long term complications that affect almost every major part of the body. It contributes to Blindness, Heart Disease, Stroke, Kidney Failure, Amputations, and Nerve Damage. Uncontrolled diabetes can complicate pregnancy. What is Diabetes? Diabetes is a metabolic disorder where the human body either does not produce or properly use insulin, a hormone that is required to convert Sugar , Starches and other food into Energy .The human body has to maintain the Blood Glucose level within a very narrow range, which is done with insulin and glucagons. Diabetes is defined as abnormally High sugar level in blood and presence of sugar in urine due to lack or decreased proportion of Insulin in human body. The Normal Blood Sugar levels should not exceed more than 100 mg% in Fasting state and 140 mg% , 2 hours after food in take which is called PP ( Post Perandial). Types of Diabetes Type I : This occur in young people, usually before the age of 20 years. Insulin is essential for its treatment. Type II : It may occur at any age group but usually diagnosed after the age of 40 years. Oral hypoglycemic agents are the choice of treatment. Insulin is required only occasionally for the treatment of Type II diabetes. Gestational Diabetes : It is detected during pregnancy. Treatment is usually not required. Blood sugar levels come down to the Normal after delivery of the baby. DIABETES (Type – I) Also known as Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (IDDM ). Diabetes mellitus is a syndrome ( group/set of symptoms) characterized by increased level of sugar (glucose) in the blood due to deficiency or inactivity of hormone “Insulin” that is absolutely necessary to monitor glucose metabolism of body. It occurs when Pancreas no longer produces any or very little Insulin. The immune system attacks the insulin producing Beta Cells in the pancreas and destroy them. Insulin is needed in the body to use sugar for producing energy. Approximately 10% of people with diabeteshave Type-I diabetes. Someone with IDDM needs daily injections of Insulin. Diabetes is a worldwide disease and if not attended properly leads to serious complications. IDDM (Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus) or Type 1 diabetes is result of decreased production of hormone ‘”Insulin” by the pancreas (the organ that synthesizes insulin). Various factors including viral infections, stress, certain foods are known to trigger or aggravate the condition. But the root cause is disturbance of immune system where the defense mechanism of own body starts attacking the organs of own body and tissues. Some genetic factors and inborn errors are at the basis of this alteration in the immunity. Type I Diabetes is a constitutional disorder as it is an offshoot of constitutional defects (genetic factors, altered immunity) having an impact on the entire constitution of an individual. Hence it calls for an in-depth constitutional approach for its management. DIABETES (Type II) or NIDDM ( Non Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus) The remaining 90% are Non Insulin dependent Diabetes Mellitus (NIDDM) or Type II Diabetes .It occurs when the Pancreas does not produce enough insulin or when the body does not use the insulin though it is produced effectively. It is more frequently observed in individuals who are obese. These are the individuals who have normal or less than normal production of insulin, but more importantly some body mechanism poses obstacle to the action of Insulin. The risk factors for this disorder include age, lifestyle (overeating with inactivity), pregnancy etc. But the most important factor is genetic defect that make one prone to this condition. Diabetes is a constitutional disorder as it is an offshoot of constitutional defect (genetic factors) having an impact on entire constitution of an individual. Hence it calls for an in-depth constitutional approach for its management. GESTATIONALL DIABETES It is a temporary condition which occurs during pregnancy. It affects 0.5% of pregnant women, with 40% of those cases developing into Type-II Diabetes later in life times. Treatment is usually not required. Blood sugar levels come down to the Normal after delivery of the baby. SYMPTOMS OF DIABETES In both types of Diabetes , Signs and Symptoms are more likely to be similar as the Blood Sugar is High, either due to less or no production of Insulin, or Insulin resistance. Diabetes can also be asymptomatic, however, the common symptoms are Increased Thirst, Appetite, Increased Urination, Sudden Loss of Weight or Increase in Weight, Easy Fatigability, Pruritis (Itching) – usually around Genital Organs, Numbness of Limbs, Non Haling of Cuts and Wounds, Frequently Changing Vision Power, Recurrent Skin Infections ( Fungal and Pyogenic). Few people are diagnosed only at the time of routine screening test before tooth extraction, operations or before starting the L.I.C. policies. Therefore people suffering with the above mentioned symptoms must go for blood sugar Testing. Diabetes Type-I In type-I the pancreas stops producing insulin due to an autoimmune response or possibly, a viral attack on the pancreas. In the absence of insulin body cells do not get the required glucose for producing ATP( Adenosin Triphosphate) units, which results in primary symptoms in the form of nausea and vomiting. In later stages, which lead to breaking down the muscle tissue and fat for producing energy causing fast weight loss. Diabetes Type – II – Increased Fatigue :- Unexplainable weakness, due to inefficiency of the cell in the metabolizing Glucose the reserve fat of the body is metabolized to gain energy. – Polydipsia :- As the concentration of Glucose increases in the blood the brain receives signals for diluting it and in its counteraction patient feels Thirsty. – Polyuria :- Increased in urine production is due to excess glucose present in the body, which gets rid of the extra sugar in the blood by excreting it through urine. This leads to dehydration because along with sugar a large amount of water is also excreted out of the body. – Polyphagia:- The hormone insulin is also responsible for stimulating Hunger. In order to cope up with high sugar levels in blood the body produces insulin which leads to increased hunger. – Weight Fluctuation :- Factors like loss of water (polyuria), glucosuria, metabo;ism of body fat and protein may lead to weight loss. – Blurry Vision :- Hyperosmolar hyperglycemia nonketotic syndrome is the condition when body fluid is pulled out of tissues including lenses of the eye, which affects its ability to focus resulting in blurry vision. – Poor Wound Healing :- High blood sugar constrain the flourishing of WBC,(White Blood Cells) which are responsible for the body’s immune system. When these cells do not function properly wounds do not heal properly. HOMOEOPATHIC APPROACH Homoeopathy is based on the principle that disease is a total affliction of body. Moreover homoeopathy recognizes importance of root cause such as genetic and inherited factors as a root of any ailment of the body. The homoeopathy medicines prescribed on such strong footings plays a crucial role in management of many deep-rooted, chronic, difficult diseases; one amongst them being Diabetes. Diabetes cannot be cure completely but can effectively controlled. People with diabetes can lead a healthy life if their blood glucose level is under control. The decrease in life span of a diabetic is restored to normal by maintaining good blood glucose control( 90 – 120 mg/dl Fasting and with less than180mg/dl as PP(2 Hrs. after meals). Homeopathic treatment: When we talk about diseases like diabetes, we talk in terms of management rather than cure. Homoeopathy can be a major player in the management of Diabetes. Timely-administered homoeopathy medicines not only assist in maintaining levels of sugar, protein and fat metabolism, but also helps in preventing further progress and hence complications of the disease. The precipitating factors of diabetes like BP, Obesity etc. can be helped by homoeopathic medication. The complications of Diabetes also can be helped tremendously with homoeopathy. If homoeopathic treatment is opted earlier far less number of case would go to the stage of Amputation etc. Even the cases of Non Healing Diabetic Ulcers have been cured with homoeopathy in our AKGsOVIHAMS Medical Center Clinic.We have been able to help the patients of long standing Diabetes to whom their Antidiabetic medicines stopped affecting anymore and needed the change in group of medication with persistent symptoms and threatening complications , after the proper Constitutiona Homoeopathic medicines ,the same medicines started affecting them once again with no persistence of symptoms and over all relief and comfort in their quality of life. Homoeopathy does help the person in regaining his health. DIABETES MANAGEMENT To keep your blood sugar in control through out the day you need diet modification, regular exercise and medicine and change in lifestyle by including yoga, pranayam ,meditation , mental relaxation etc. into your daily schedule.
Treat Diabetes (sweet Disease) With Homoeopathy — No Comments
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